Rigsrevisionen's strategy 2023-2027

The responsibilities of Rigsrevisionen are set out in the Auditor General Act and are carried out in the form of annual audit and major studies.

Our strategy for the years 2023-2027 has focus on ensuring that we are visible across the administration, that we increase the impact of our work and  that we communicate the results of our work in a way that is easy to understand.

Strategy 2023-2027 (PDF)

Performance targets 2025

Every year, in January, Rigsrevisionen’s executive team set the performance targets for the current year.

  1. The professional quality of all our reports is rated satisfactory by a team of external evaluators. 
  2. 85% of all unresolved issues in our major studies must be addressed by the relevant minister within four years.
  3. We audit 30 small government enterprises on location in 2025 to ensure that we visit all government enterprises over a 3-year period.
  4. 25% of our major studies focus on issues that concern more than one government department. 
  5. The quality of our communication in selected reports is rated satisfactory by an external evaluator.

 Rigsrevisionen's strategic plan provides the basis for the development of our performance targets. Achievement of the performance targets helps us fulfil our mission and strategic goals. Progress against the targets is reported in our annual report.



Niels Gyldenvang Steffensen