The Public Accounts Committee

Setup of the Public Accounts Committee

The six members of the Public Accounts Committee are appointed by the Danish parliament (the Folketing) for a four-year period. The authority of the Public Accounts Committee is stated in the constitution. 

Rigsrevisionen reports to the Public Accounts Committee

Role of the committee

The role of the Public Accounts Committee is primarily to verify that the government accounts are correct, assess whether public funds are managed effectively and submit the audited government accounts to the parliament for approval. 

Additionally, the Public Accounts Committee can ask Rigsrevisionen to carry out examinations of specific policy areas. About one third of the around 25 major studies that we publish every year, are carried out at the request of the committee. 

Members and meetings

The six members of the committee meet around 11 times per year.

The members are:

  • Mette Abildgaard
  • Leif Lahn Jensen
  • Mikkel Irminger Sarbo
  • Serdal Benli
  • Lars Christian Lilleholt
  • Monika Rubin.

The secretariat of the Public Accounts Committee is located at Christiansborg.


Nanna Henning
Assistant Auditor General: