Deviations from the ISSAI requirements

ISSAI  Requirements Adaptations made to reflect national circumstances and requirements
ISSAI 100, items. 31-33
Elements of public-sector auditing
Confidence and assurance in public-sector auditing

ISSAI 200, items 19-27
Subject matter, criteria and subject matter information, the three parties, and reasonable assurance engagements 

ISSAI 300, items 1-24 

ISSAI 400, items 1-42
The engagements that Rigsrevisionen is mandated to carry out and the types of audits that these engagements involve deviate in some areas from the elements of public-sector auditing referred to in ISSAIs 100, 200, 300 and 400. For instance, Rigsrevisionen does not perform limited assurance engagements, only reasonable assurance engagements.  

Rigsrevisionen has therefore – as recommended by INTOSAI in ISSAI 100 – developed its national auditing standards in accordance with its mandate and national laws and regulations.

The terms and concepts of the ISSAIs have, however, provided the basis for the definition of the specific types of engagements that Rigsrevisionen is mandated to carry out and the type of audits these engagements involve.

The full scope of applicability of the individual SORs is explained in detail in the four SOR standards.
ISSAI 200, items 17 and 18
Assessing whether the framework for financial reporting is acceptable
With reference to INTOSAI’s recommendation in ISSAI 100 (see above), the corresponding standard developed by Rigsrevisionen – SOR 4 – is based on ISSAI 200, but tailored for the purpose of auditing the Danish public accounts as defined by the constitutional and legal framework of Denmark.This means that the requirements of SOR reflect the specific purpose of the Danish public accounts, the specific financial reporting framework for the public accounts as well as the purpose of Rigsrevisionen’s financial audit as defined by the mandate and the circumstances of the system for parliamentary approval of the financial statements.
ISSAI 200, item 51 and item 53
(51) In the public sector, there may be additional audit responsibilities with respect to the consideration of any laws and regulations which relate to the audit of financial statements or other aspects of the entity’s operations. In such cases, the auditor should distinguish between the scope of work performed to verify compliance with the laws and regulations for the needs of issuing the opinion on the financial statements, and the audit work performed to verify other compliance issues for the needs of issuing a compliance audit opinion and/or report.

(53) The provisions of some laws or regulations have a direct effect on the financial statements in that they determine the reported amounts and disclosures therein. Other laws or regulations are to be complied with by the entity or set the provisions under which the entity operates, but only have an indirect effect on its financial statements.

The Danish Finance Act and public-sector accounting regulations provide the framework (including the audit criteria) within which the Danish public accounts are prepared. The auditor therefore has no additional responsibilities to consider any other laws or regulations. (SOR 4 – item 10).

The financial statements of entities that are not part of the Danish public accounts may, however, be directly affected by the provisions of laws and regulations, and the work performed by the auditors must consider the potential effect hereof in their audit. (SOR 4 – item 13).