Report on student absence in vocational education and training (VET) schools


Report no. 21/2021

The purpose of the study is to assess whether the Ministry of Children and Education has ensured that student absence is managed efficiently in the VET schools. The report answers the following questions: 

  • Have the VET schools managed funding in relation to student absence efficiently?
  • Has the Ministry of Children and Education monitored student absence in the VET schools appropriately?
  • Have three selected schools (Technical Education College, South Jutland’s Global School for People and Businesses and Zealand Business College) followed up on student absence appropriately? 

Rigsrevisionen assesses that the Ministry of Children and Education has not ensured that student absence in the VET schools is managed efficiently. Much of the funding allocated to the schools is therefore spent on students who have a high rate of illegal absence and do not complete their education. 

Rigsrevisionen initiated the study in January 2022.

Read the introduction and conclusion (PDF)