The purpose of the study is to assess whether the Ministry of Employment has ensured progress in the effectiveness of the WEA’s inspections. The effectiveness of inspections is defined as the relationship between salary costs and the number of sanctions imposed due to violations of the Working Environment Act. Rigsrevisionen has examined whether the WEA has:
- monitored how inspections have developed,
- ensured progress in the overall effectiveness of inspections,
- ensured progress in the effectiveness of inspections across the three Danish inspection centres.
It is Rigsrevisionen’s assessment that the Ministry of Employment has not ensured progress in the effectiveness of the WEA’s inspections. In the period examined, the WEA has spent more time in the companies and has recorded a positive development in its in-spection efficiency, which, however, has not resulted in relatively more sanctions being imposed. This could potentially lead to an increase in illegal and unhealthy working environments and thus an increase in the number of work-related accidents, physical wear-down and mental problems.
Rigsrevisionen initiated the study in November 2019.
Read the introduction and conclusion (PDF)