The report concerns the processing times for industrial injury cases and the efficiency of processing at the Arbejdsmarkedets Erhvervssikring (AES– Danish labour market insurance). The AES took over the responsibility for the processing of industrial injury cases from the Danish National Board of Industrial Injuries in July 2016. Rigsrevisionen has examined how case processing times and efficiency have developed in the period from 2011 to 2018.
The purpose of the study is to assess whether the Ministry of Employment and the AES have ensured that industrial injury cases are processed within the statutory time limits, and that the efficiency of processing of industrial injury cases has improved. The report answers the following questions:
- Has the Ministry of Employment and the AES ensured that industrial injury cases are processed within the statutory time limits?
- Has the AES made progress towards improving the efficiency of case processing?
It is Rigsrevisionen's assessment that over an extended period, the Ministry of Employment and the AES failed to ensure that industrial injury cases were processed within the statutory time limits. The study also found that the AES had failed to make progress towards improving the efficiency of case processing, which actually deteriorated significantly in the period covered by the study.
Rigsrevisionen's review of 200 cases shows that approx. two-thirds of the time devoted to processing an industrial injury case is waiting time related to obtaining supplementary information from third parties like, for instance, medical doctors or employers. It is Rigsrevisionen's assessment that to achieve a considerable improvement in processing times, information necessary to assess and decide on the cases must reach the AES from the third parties earlier.
Rigsrevisionen initiated the study in October 2018.
Read the introduction and conclusion (PDF)