Report on the reform of the Folkeskole


Report no. 10/2017

The purpose of this study is to assess whether the effort made by the Ministry of Education to support the implementation and follow-up on the reform of the Danish Folkeskole (public school - primary and lower secondary education) has been sufficient to ensure improvement of the academic standards of the Folkeskole. The report answers the following questions: 

  • Has the Ministry of Education provided an appropriate basis for implementing the reform of the Folkeskole?
  • Has the Ministry of Education's effort to follow up on progress made in the three focus areas been sufficient to ensure that they support achievement of the goals set for the reform?

The reform includes three focus areas 

  1. A longer and more varied school day with more lessons and improved quality of teaching and learning
  2. Competence development of teachers, pedagogical staff and school leaders
  3. Few, clear objectives and simplification of rules. 

The effort made by the Ministry of Education to provide appropriate conditions for local implementation of the reform has generally been satisfactory, but Rigsrevisionen finds that the ministry's effort to follow up on progress in the focus areas, and implementation of the goals set for the reform, has been insufficient. 

Rigsrevisionen initiated the study in August 2017.

Read the 1st chapter of the report (PDF)