Report on pathways for refugees with trauma


Report no. 6/2018

The purpose of the study is to provide an assessment of whether the Ministry of Immigration and Integration and the regions are ensuring an adequate and coherent effort to track down and treat traumatised refugees, and thus enable them to find employment as soon as possible. The study answers the following questions: 

  • Is the Ministry of Immigration and Integration ensuring a timely and coherent approach in relation to the municipalities' tracking down of traumatised refugees?
  • Are the regions ensuring and the Ministry of Health supporting efforts to provide specialised treatment to traumatised refugees, and are the regions coordinating the treatment with the municipalities?

It is Rigsrevisionen's assessment that the Ministry of Immigration and Integration and the regions have not ensured an adequate and coherent approach in tracking down and treating refugees with trauma. This is a challenge to the municipalities' framework conditions for organising effective integration of refugees that helps them find work as early as possible after their arrival to Denmark. The goal set for recently arrived refugees is that they should be in employment within one year after their arrival. 

Rigsrevisionen initiated the study in November 2017.

Read the 1st chapter of the report (PDF)