Report on the performance of the Danish police following a strengthening of terrorism prevention and implementation of temporary border control


Report no. 15/2017

The report concerns how policing has been affected since 2015, when police priorities shifted following an increased terrorism threat level and increased border control. 

The purpose of the study is to assess whether the police have ensured that the consequences for the citizens of the allocation of additional resources to terrorism prevention and border control have been minimised. The report answers the following questions: 

  • Have the police adjusted the scope of border control to the number of migrants arriving, regularly, in order to release resources for other aspects of policing?
  • Have the police minimised the impact of the shifting priorities on the investigation of serious offences against citizens and the citizens' safety?
  • Have the police ensured the continuation of the politically determined strengthening of the seven priority areas as stipulated by the multi-annual agreement? 

The shifting priorities following the increased terrorism threat level and the temporary border control have affected the performance of the police generally and also some of the priority crime areas like, for instance, serious offences against citizens. The study indicates that although the police have transferred resources to the area of serious offences against citizens, they have only been partially successful in preventing the shifting priorities from having an adverse effect on the citizens.

Read the 1st chapter of the report (PDF)