Report on the regions’ management of administrative and medical managers’ pay


Report no. 12/2016

The study encompasses the five Danish regions. In 2015, salary costs accounted for between 41 and 48 per cent of the regions’ total operating costs of approximately DKK 127 billion. The regions’ total salary costs for administrative and medical managers was approximately DKK 2 billion in 2015. 

Most of the terms relating to regional managers’ pay are regulated in collective agreements and therefore relatively easy to manage. In accordance with the agreements that govern the area, however, other terms can be negotiated locally between the regions and the individual manager, and these are more difficult to manage. 

The purpose of the study is to determine if the regions are managing the administrative and medical managers’ pay in compliance with relevant agreements. The study encompasses salaries paid in 2015 to managers employed at the regions’ administrative headquarters, at hospitals and in other regional institutions. 

It is Rigsrevisionen’s assessment that the regions have generally managed fixed salaries for administrative and medical managers in compliance with relevant agreements. However, when it comes to supplements concerning permanent and fixed-term contracts and overtime, the regions have on several occasions failed to manage these in compliance with the relevant agreements. Management of these locally negotiated terms has been inadequate.

Read the 1st chapter of the report (PDF)