Report on the Ministry of Employment’s implementation of reforms


Report no. 14/2015

The report concerns the efforts made by the Danish Ministry of Employment to ensure effective implementation of reforms in the field of employment. 

The purpose of the study is to assess whether the Ministry of Employment has provided an adequate framework for the municipalities’ implementation of reforms of the early retirement and flexjobs scheme, the welfare benefits scheme and the sickness benefits scheme. The report answers the following questions: 

  • Has the Ministry of Employment used instruments that have supported the municipalities’ implementation of the reforms?
  • Has the Ministry of Employment ensured that the administrative basis for the municipalities’ implementation of the reforms was available when the legislation took effect?
  • Has the Ministry of Employment provided the frameworks required to ensure that the municipal IT systems were ready for operation when the reforms took effect? 

Rigsrevisionen took initiative to the study in June 2015.

Read the 1st chapter of the report (PDF)