Report on the effort made to help people on sick leave return to work


Report no. 12/2013

This report is about the effort made by the Danish local authorities to help people on sick leave return to work. Sickness benefit is a temporary payment made by the local authorities to persons who are unable to work owing to their health condition. One of the main purposes of the Danish Consolidated Sickness Benefits Act is to help people recover and return to the labour market.

The purpose of the report is to examine whether the Ministry of Employment and the job centres ensure that people receiving sickness benefits return to work as soon as they are fit to do so. The report answers the following questions: 

  • Have the job centres organised the management of the area with focus on effectiveness and in a manner that ensures early intervention?
  • Is the cooperation between the job centres, the respective employers and the health sector satisfactory?
  • Is the effectiveness of the initiatives launched to help people on sick leave return to work followed up by the Ministry of Employment and the Agency for Labour Market and Recruitment? 

Rigsrevisionen initiated the report in August 2013. 

Read the 1st chapter of the report (PDF)