Report on the prices charged by DONG Energy A/S


Report no. 7/2012

The report concerns the prices charged by DONG Energy's for electricity and factors affecting this price. The objective of the study is to compare the prices charged by DONG Energy for supply-obligation electricity and electricity produced from renewable energy sources compared with other Danish electricity suppliers, and to compare the electricity prices charged by DONG Energy with the level of international electricity prices. The report also provides an assessment of the Danish Energy Agency's allocation of licences to supply electricity; a practice that was introduced in connection with the liberalisation of the electricity market in 1999. Finally, the purpose of the study is to look at the control and transparency of Public Service Obligations (PSOs) including in particular support provided to owners of renewable energy plants like, for instance, wind turbines. The report answers the following questions:

  • Do the prices charged by DONG Energy for supply-obligation electricity deviate from the electricity market in Denmark and abroad, and do the prices charged by DONG Energy for RE-energy deviate from the electricity market in Denmark?
  • Are obligation-to-supply licences allocated in open competition?
  • Are the PSO tariffs verified and are they transparent?

Rigsrevisionen launched the study in April 2012 at the request of the Public Accounts Committee.

Read the 1st chapter of the report (PDF)