Report on the national measures taken to protect the ground water in Denmark against pesticides leaching


Report no. 4/2011

The report is about the national measures taken to protect the ground water in Denmark against pesticide leaching.

The objective of the examination is to assess the Ministry of Food's and the Ministry of the Environment's management of the efforts made to protect the ground water against pesticide pollution. The examination answers the following three questions:

  • Have the Ministry of Food and the Ministry of the Environment implemented measures to reduce the usage of pesticides and has the Ministry of the Environment implemented measures to prevent leaching of pesticides into the ground water above the maximum admissible concentration?
  • Has the Ministry of the Environment ensured an adequate quality of the results of the Danish Ground Water Monitoring Programme?
  • Has the Ministry of the Environment ensured an adequate framework of rules for the municipalities' and the waterworks' testing of water wells for concentration of pesticides?

Rigsrevisionen launched the examination at its own initiative.

Read the report (PDF)