Report on the audit of EU funds in Denmark in 2008


Report no. 18/2008

Rigsrevisionen has issued an opinion and report on the audit of EU funds in Denmark in 2008. The opinion and report have been submitted to clarify Rigsrevisionen's overall assessment of the EU area in Denmark and contribute to increased cooperation on the audit of EU funds. The report includes a coherent assessment of the administration of EU funds in Denmark and presents the audit upon which the opinion is founded. The EU funds represent significant income and expenditure and are attracting much interest from the EU Commission and the European Parliament. Rigsrevisionen is cooperating and sharing knowledge with the Supreme Audit Institutions of the EU Member States and with the European Court of Auditors in an effort to enhance the control and administration of the EU funds. This report can form part of the efforts to enhance the control and administration of EU funds in Denmark.