Recent audit reports

June 2024

Report on major procurements of defence equipment by the Danish Ministry of Defence

The purpose of the study is to assess whether the Ministry of Defence has procured major equipment in a satisfactory manner.

June 2024

Report on the government’s use of joint public sector procurement frameworks

The purpose of the study is to assess whether purchases made by five selected ministries have to a satisfactory extent been made through the framework agreements.

Rigsrevisionen is closed from the 15th to the 26th of July 2024.

About Rigsrevisionen

We support the Danish parliament in holding government to account by examining whether laws and policies made by the parliament are implemented

We are particularly concerned with areas where public money is not spent wisely, or politically agreed measures or services are not provided as intended.

Learn more about us


The role of the Public Accounts Committee

The six members of the Public Accounts Committee are appointed by the Parliament and have – as the only external body – authority to ask Rigsrevisionen to carry out major studies of particular policy areas. The committee members meet once a month to review and comment on the reports and memorandums prepared by Rigsrevisionen. Most importantly, the committee reviews Rigsrevisionen’s annual report on the audit of the public accounts and forwards its comments to the accounts to the Parliament.

More about the co-operation