Report on the costs of tendering in the public sector


Report no. 18/2018

The purpose of the study is to assess whether selected ministries can improve their efforts to minimise transaction costs. The report answers the following questions:  

  • What are the transaction costs incurred by the ministries (contracting authorities) and the bidders in connection with different types of tenders? 
  • Do the ministries work on minimising transaction costs, and is it possible to identify best practice and potentials for improvement? 

It is Rigsrevisionen's assessment that the ministries can improve their efforts to minimise transaction costs. The study also shows that total transaction costs incurred by the ministries and bidders in connection with some of the tenders, make up more than 50% of the total value of the procurement. 

The study was launched in June 2018 at the request of the Danish Public Accounts Committee.

Read the introduction and conclusion (PDF)