Report on the Danish government's payroll administration


Report no. 14/2018

This report concerns the Danish Ministry of Finance's effort to support the government's payroll administration, i.e. the task of managing and ultimately paying salaries to government employees. 

The purpose of this study is to provide an assessment of whether the Ministry of Finance has supported the government's payroll administration in a satisfactory manner. 

It is Rigsrevisionen's assessment that the Ministry of Finance has not supported payroll administration in a satisfactory manner. The administration of payroll was centralised in 2008 with the purpose of making it more efficient and although the ministry has worked on streamlining the administration for more than ten years, duplication of effort is still a problem. The consequence is that the resources available to the Agency and the institutions are not used effectively. This means that there is an unexploited potential for further efficiency gains in relation to the government's payroll administration. 

Rigsrevisionen initiated the study in August 2018.

Read the introduction and conclusion (PDF)