Report on salaries and benefits in state-owned enterprises


Report no. 23/2015

The report concerns salaries and benefits in six independent public companies and two independent administrative units (SOEs) that are all wholly owned by the Danish state and providing various public services. 

Most of the enterprises have received a one-off payment from the government in connection with their conversion into SOEs; others are (co-)financed by public funds on an ongoing basis, and in some SOEs the government is liable for the loans and guarantees issued to the SOEs. It follows that the SOEs are expected to manage funds in a financially responsible manner, including funds for salaries and benefits. 

The purpose of the study is to provide an overall assessment of the salaries and benefits offered in the eight SOEs and show how salaries and benefits in the former government institutions have been affected by their conversion into SOEs.

Read the 1st chapter of the report (PDF)