Report on the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 budget overrun


Report no. 16/2014

This report concerns the cost overrun related to the staging of the European Song Contest 2014 (ESC 2014) by Projektselskabet ESC 2014 ApS (Production Company ESC). 

The purpose of the study is to highlight key lessons learned from an assessment of the extent to which the preparations made by the host city partners and the management of the Production Company ESC affected the ESC 2014 budget overrun. The Production Company ESC was established on 31 August 2013 when the host city and venue contract was entered with the Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR). The report answers the following questions: 

  • Did the host city partners prepare the establishment and running of the venue in a manner that provided a clear and appropriate basis for the project, including the distribution of roles and responsibilities between the host city partners and between the Production Company ESC and DR?
  • Did the Production Company ESC manage the establishment and running of the venue effectively?

Read the 1st chapter of the report (PDF)