Report on the development of the national tests


Report no. 5/2009

The report is about the Ministry of Education's preparation and management of the project concerning national testing of pupils in the Danish municipal primary school, which was launched in February 2005.

The Danish Public Accounts Committee has requested Rigsrevisionen to initiate the examination because the actual development of the project has turned out to be more difficult and labour-intensive than expected.

Rigsrevisionen has examined the Ministry of Education's preparations and management actions up to the end of 2009. Rigsrevisionen has also looked at the current status of the project and whether it satisfies the requirements of the law with respect to content, financial position and time schedule. Lastly, Rigsrevisionen has examined whether the information provided by the Ministry of Education to the Folketing (parliament) has presented fairly the status of the project.

Read the 1st chapter of the report (PDF)