Report on the effort directed towards newly arrived immigrants


Report no. 12/2007

The report is about the activities directed towards newly arrived immigrants, i.e. refugees, immigrants reunited with refugee family members, and other immigrants reunited with family members. The immigration activities ares based on the Integration Act. The Ministry of Integration has the overall responsibility for the effort, whereas the local councils are responsible for the practical implementation of the initiatives, such as the three-year introduction programme which consists of tuition in the Danish language, including a course in understanding of Danish culture and the fundamental values and norms of the Danish society, and labour market related activities.

The three key objectives of the Integration Act are: participation, self-support, and values and norms. As follow-up on report no. 3 from 2003 on the Ministry of Integration's performance of its tasks in relation to the effort directed towards immigrants, Rigsrevisionen has examined whether the Ministry of Integration follows up on the fulfilment of the objectives of the Integration Act.

Rigsrevisionen has also examined the effect of the introduction programme with respect to the objective of making the immigrants self-supporting: Rigsrevisionen reviewed whether newly arrived immigrants, who had completed the introduction programme in the period 2003-2006, were employed or participating in some form of education. Finally, Rigsrevisionen has examined whether the ministry contributes to ensure that the local councils launch targeted activities directed towards newly arrived immigrants.

This examination was launched in April 2007 on Rigsrevisionen's initiative.

Read the 1st chapter of the report (PDF)