Report on the Railway Inspectorate


Report no. 4/2003

The report is an assessment of the extent of the supervision of the Railway Inspectorate (Jernbanetilsynet) carried out by the Ministry of Transport. This assessment includes both the supervision conducted by the Ministry at the time of the establishment of the Railway Inspectorate and in connection with the Inspectorate’s subsequent operations, as well as whether the Ministry has ensured the implementation of the recommendations from an examination of the Railway Inspectorate conducted in 2001. The report further assesses the use of management information in the Railway Inspectorate, including whether management information systems provide the Inspectorate management with an adequate, true and punctual basis of information, as well as whether this information is applied in the management of the Railway Inspectorate.

Finally, the report also assesses the manner in which the Railway Inspectorate has organised its handling of responsibilities regarding supervision, provision of regulations, approvals and accident examinations.